Self-acceptance – the path to holistic joy of life

This blog article is about the aspects and facets of self-acceptance, as well as practical tips for more acceptance in life.
Your body – The temple of your soul

This blog post deals with the topic of seeing one’s own body as an integral part of the self and the temple of the soul. It is about how we can find unconditional self-acceptance and self-love, regardless of society’s ideals of beauty.
Breathwork -the healing power of the breath

The following blog article is about Breathwork and the positive effects of breathing on the nervous system, emotional blockages, body, mind and soul.
Boomland – A journey through the shadows of myself

This blog article is about my own inner journey, boundaries, fears, shadows and the end of a friendship at Boom Festival.
Shadow work – Your path to Wholeness

This blog article is about shadow work, what shadow work is & how we can recognise shadow parts and integrate them into our lives.
I am a nobody & who are you?

This blog article is about the question “Who am I”. I can either be all roles or none of them. Is it really so bad to be a nobody?
Toxic relationships & the path to healing

This blog article is about the effects of toxic relationships and what we can do to put ourselves on the path to healing.
The waves of the ocean of emotions

This blog article is about our inner ocean of emotions and what we can do in stormy times.
Dukkha and the cause of suffering

This blog article is about dukkha (suffering) and the cause of our suffering. Suffering is a part of our human existence.
You decide which life you choose

This blog article is about choices we have to make in life and how we always have a choice.