Fear: What is it and how can I deal with it?
Reading time: < 1 minute
Fear is not real and only happens in our head.
Allow yourself to step into the uncertainty and give up control.
Recognise your own matrix and step out.
Step aside and look at it from the outside.
Thank her for protecting you and taking control when you were unable.
Bow down and let go.
Initiate the course correction and take responsibility for yourself.
You are the creator of your life.
Allow yourself to see the pain that resides within you.
Look at it.
Feel it.
Embrace it.
Release it.
Free yourself.
Go on.
Let go.
Enter into trust and let yourself be guided.
Straighten up and become still.
Can you hear the voice of your ancestors?
Can you hear your soul speaking to you?
Do you see the signs that your spirit guides bring you every day?
They protect you, always and everywhere.
Even when you have lost faith.Bow to them, bow to yourself.
Stand up, turn around and wave to your past once more with a smile.
Look ahead and step into the mystical time that lies ahead.
Step by step.
You are protected.

Hey, i am Shania
It is a matter of the heart for me to guide people to their shadow in a sensitive way, to let them recognise through self-awareness what is hidden behind their anchored pain and suffering and how they can use these insights for themselves in a healing and transformative way.

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