Breathwork - the healing power of the breath


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The Breath – An Inconspicuous Act with Immeasurable Power

The Breath is our constant companion – it is the foundation of our life and at the same time a powerful tool to dive deep within ourselves and resolve blockages. Breathwork is a holistic practice that utilizes the transformative power of conscious breathing to promote emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

Our breath is closely connected to our nervous system. Every change in our breathing pattern immediately affects our body, emotions, and psyche. When we are stressed, anxious, or tense, our breathing often becomes shallow and superficial. With conscious, deep breathing, however, we can calm the nervous system, induce relaxation, and release blockages.

The breathing practice works on various levels and can bring about profound changes in a person’s entire being.

Emotional Level:

Many emotional blockages and traumas are deeply stored in the body and in our breathing patterns.

Regarding the emotional level, the breathing practice can help us recognize, process, and dissolve emotional blockages, traumas, and burdensome feelings. With specific breathing techniques, we can consciously connect with our emotions and set them in motion through the flow of our breath. The breath serves as a mediator between the body and the psyche. As soon as we begin to connect with the breath and deepen it, suppressed emotions and energies are released, which can then be processed and integrated. This allows us to heal old wounds, work through unprocessed emotions and conflicts, and resolve inner resistance. Breathwork creates a space where we can connect with our deepest emotions to transform and integrate them.

Physical Level:

On the physical level, the principle of breathing can have profound effects. By consciously changing our breathing patterns, we can improve oxygen flow in the body, promote cell regeneration, and strengthen the immune system. Through deeper breathing, more oxygen reaches our blood and thus all our cells, organs, and tissues. This can lead to better nourishment of the body with nutrients and energy, supporting physical health. Additionally, the breathing process can release tensions, improve circulation, enhance performance, and promote deep relaxation of the entire body.

Mental Level:

In the realm of the mental level, the practical application of breath can lead to an open mind and greater mental clarity. By focusing on the breath, we can calm our thoughts, center the mind, and concentrate on the present moment. This can lead to a state of inner stillness and presence, in which we can detach from distracting thoughts and worries.

Breathwork can bring about a profound mental transformation by inducing a state of mindfulness and insight.

Nervous System and Healing through Breath Work:

The nervous system plays a crucial role in the effects of Breathwork. Our autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic part is responsible for activation and mobilization in stress situations, while the parasympathetic is responsible for relaxation, regeneration, and healing.

With conscious and deep breathing, we can deliberately switch to the parasympathetic system and thus calm and heal the nervous system. This promotes cell regeneration, stress reduction, and relaxation of the entire body. Breathwork can help harmonize the nervous system, reduce emotional stress, and achieve a state of inner peace and balance. By consciously working with the breath and its movement, we can heal ourselves and achieve a state of inner balance and harmony. This powerful method offers the possibility of self-exploration, healing, and personal growth, and can reach and profoundly transform us on all levels of our being.

The method is also suitable for identifying, processing, and healing energetic blockages and disturbances. Breath has the power to release energy blockages, harmonize the flow of life energy, and strengthen the connection with the divine self. Spiritual healing through breathing can lead to a deep transformation on the mental, emotional, and physical levels.

When we consciously connect with the breath, we can connect with our inner essence, our higher self, and the divine core. This holistic perspective promotes spiritual growth, self-realization, and the unfolding of our full potential.

We can experience ourselves and our spiritual path on a deeper level.

The potential of Breathwork is highly diverse, ranging from strengthening self-awareness to promoting creativity and increasing joy of life, in addition to the aspects mentioned above. Regular conscious breathing can create a space of healing and transformation for ourselves.

Breathe yourself free into a new self.

Namasté, Shania

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Hey, i am Shania

It is a matter of the heart for me to guide people to their shadow in a sensitive way, to let them recognise through self-awareness what is hidden behind their anchored pain and suffering and how they can use these insights for themselves in a healing and transformative way.


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